Instant Puliyogare/Instant Tamarind Rice - Vegetable Platter

Instant Puliyogare/Instant Tamarind Rice

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Puliyogare is one dish which no South Indian can every say No to .. Also, known as Puliyodharai in Tamil & Pulihora in Telugu .. In Kannada, Puliyogare is also known as Huli Anna in some regions of karnataka. Traditionally, Puliyogare is prepared by mixing steamed rice with Puliyogare Gojju & tempering with groundnuts, curry leaves & red chillies. Recipe for the authentic puliyogare gojju will follow later.
I always swear by my mother's & Grandmom's Puliyogare Gojju .. The gojju needs to have the right consistency & takes quite a long time to prepare. It requires standing for long hours in the kitchen & stirring the gojju constantly until the desired consistency is obtained.
These days we are so hard pressed for time, No one ever has the patience to spend such long hours in the kitchen anymore, we all have grown so fond of the "INSTANT" fad.
Whenever, my mom ran out puliyogare gojju, I have seen her make this instant version of puliyogare, which tastes as good as the authentic one. Thats one reason why I still havent learnt to make authentic puliyogare gojju .. I always make the instant version and pass it off :P
Here's the recipe
Preparation Time: 30 mins
  1. Rice - 1 cup
  2. 3 tsp - Rasam Powder/Saarina Pudi
  3. 3 tsp - Dry Tamarind Powder/Aamchur Powder
  4. A meduim sized lump of jaggery
  5. 2 tsp Black Sesame seeds - roasted & ground
  6. 1 tsp - cumin & Blackpepper powder - roasted & ground
  7. A handful of groundnuts
  8. Curry Leaves
  9. 2 - 3 Red chillies
  10. Mustard Seeds/
  11. 2 tbsp oil - preferably groundnut oil ( as it enhances the taste)
  12. Salt as per taste


  1. Heat oil in a thick bottomed pan, add rasam powder & tamarind.aamchur powder & saute till the raw smell disappears
  2. Add jaggery & black sesame powder & saute for one minute
  3. Add 3 cups of water & bring it to boil
  4. Add 1 cup rice, close the lid & let it pressure cook
  5. Take out the cooked rice & spread it on a plate & let it cool completely
  6. Once it is completely cooled, add cumin & black pepper powder
  7. Add salt as per taste
  8. Add 1 tbsp oil & temper with mustard seeds, red chillies, curry leaves & groundnuts

Enjoi !!!!

This is my entry for the event SWC - Karnataka hosted by Anisheetu ...

Thanks for hosting :)

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