Baked Potato Wedges | Cumin & Thyme Flavored - Vegetable Platter

Baked Potato Wedges | Cumin & Thyme Flavored

Friday, February 10, 2012

An Old recipe with a new picture yet again .. I've made these so many times but I could never take pictures because they disappear so fast. Then again, nobody can resist a plate of oven fresh hot potato wedges right??

What would you ever do with someone, who reaches out to a pack of chips, french fries & other fried goodies at the drop of a hat . . I am talking about Shankar . . He gorges on fried goodies like there is no tomorrow & does not think think twice about lapping up a plate of fried food all by himself .
In spite of turning down those innumerable requests for fried snacks, He still is optimistic . .


One snack that I often make to compensate for those unheeded requests is the incredibly simple Potato Wedges. These wedges are surprisingly addictive and a healthy replacement for the ubiquitous French Fries .

I keep varying the flavours. Sometimes, its spiced with chilli flakes & garlic & at times, I like to go all herb & add thyme, rosemary, oregano or whatever is available.
This time, it is some earthy cumin & thyme to bring out that lovely flavour.

  • 4 large potatoes
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt as per taste 
  • 2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 2 tsp fresh/dried thyme


  • Scrub the potatoes well & slice them into wedges with the skin on
  • Preheat the oven at 220 C
  • Spray a baking dish with olive oil, place the potatoes on the baking tray
  • Throw in cumin, thyme & salt
  • Toss the potatoes well.
  • Place the tray in the centre of the pre-heated oven & bake for about 20- 25 minutes or until they turn crisp & slightly golden on the outside
  • You might want to turn the potatoes, halfway into the baking time

Serve HOT . . Enjoi !!!

Ahh . . these wedges are worth raving about . . Crisp & thick, with softer insides. The skin lent a very earthy flavour. These beauties came out piping HOT was was seasoned to perfection. And the best part about it is, It goes easy on your waist-line too.

These spicy wedges are a perfect accompaniment with tea/coffee on those chilly winter evenings. Having a party at home?? works as a great appetizer too :)

Go Ahead .. Indulge !!

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