Beaten Coffee - Vegetable Platter

Beaten Coffee

Monday, February 15, 2010

What did you guys do this Valentine's day & what did you get? Well, we don't really attach too much importance to this, but I got a new cellphone from my husband. It was much needed because the old one was beyond repair. So now you see, how convenient such days are?
Valentine's Day reminds me of our courtship period. Those days when we would endless hang around coffee shops to exchange those sweet nothings. We still frequent coffee shops, but its mostly with friends now :)
Anyways, in case you guys want to re-create the same ambience in your home, here's a great recipe for some instant coffee
Beaten Coffee
While I always love the classic South Indian Filter Coffee, this works well if you do not have the patience to brew coffee decoction. Or if you simply want a change. This tastes so much better than Instant Coffee. Believe me.
You Will Need:

  • 1 1/2 tsp of any instant coffee powder - I love Nescafe

  • 1 1/2 - 2 tsp Sugar

  • 1cup hot milk

  • In a coffee mug, add instant coffee powder & sugar. To this add 1 tbsp milk & beat well for about 3 - 4 mins with a spoon until frothy.

  • Pour hot milk into the mug & beat well for a minute until froth appears.

  • Add a pinch of instant coffee powder on top & make swirls with your finger tips.
And, your Beaten Coffee is ready to Serve. Enjoi !!!
This goes to Mahimaa's Cooking Basics Event ...

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