Carrot Dip - Vegetable Platter

Carrot Dip

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Cricket World Cup is here. This only means, long hours of TV .. Its not only the matches that are watched, but also the analysis before the match, after the match. Repeat telecast & every other discussion about the World Cup on various news channels
I am not complaining though .. I love cricket & the World Cup is once in 4 years. Loads of matches also means having something to much while the match takes an exciting turn.

Today being a Sunday is double excitement for us. India Vs England starts about 30 mins from now.  We are all already settled in our favorite seats. I made some yummy carrot dip to be eaten along with Nachos ..
While I wait for the match to begin, Here's a quick recipe for some Creamy Carrot Dip

Carrot Dip

You Will Need:
  • 5-6 medium sized Carrots
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 3 pods garlic
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp red chilli flakes
  • 1/2 tsp cracked pepper
  • Salt as per taste
  • 2 tsp olive oil
How To:
  • Peel the carrots & roughly chop them. Parboil the carrots & set aside.
  • In a pan, heat olive oil, add chopped garlic, cumin seeds, chilli flakes & carrots. Add some salt & saute for about  mins until the carrots are soft. Allow it to cool
  • Transfer the contents from the pan to a blender. Add sour cream & blend until just smooth. check for salt & whisk again
  • Transfer to a serving bowl & add some freshly cracked pepper on top.

Serve with Pita chips or some yummy Nachos. Enjoi !!!

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