South Indies: Sakkare Achchu | Sugar Candy for Sankranti - Vegetable Platter

South Indies: Sakkare Achchu | Sugar Candy for Sankranti

Friday, January 13, 2012

Sankranti  is here again .. Which only means, its time for Ellu Bella, Sakkare Achchu & some good Pongal ..

Ellu Bella 2012

Just like every year, my Grandmother made some gorgeous Sakkare Achchu to be distributed amongst family & friends .. And, without these, Sankranti,  in Karnataka would be incomplete. Those of you who do not know, Sakkare Achchu are little sugar candies of different shapes made especially for Sankranti

sakkare achchu

Sakkare Achchu

This recipe makes about 50-55 Sugar Candies depending on the size of your molds

To Make Sakkare Achchu :
  • 3 cups or 1 kg  Granulated Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Yogurt
  • 2 tbsp Milk
  • Rubber Bands
  • Sakkare Achchu Molds
  • Muslin Cloth

To Purify Sugar:
  • Soak sugar in water for an hour. For every cup of sugar, use half a cup of water
  • Soak the molds in water & set aside
  • In a heavy bottomed pot, add the dissolved sugar alongwith water & bring it to a boil. Sieve with a clean muslin cloth. Repeat the process twice.
  • Now add milk alongwith sugar & bring it to a boil. Sieve again
  • Repeat the process with yogurt as well .. This removes any impurities present in sugar

To Make Sakkare Achchu:
  • Wipe the molds clean & secure with rubber bands at the ends. The molds must be slightly damp
  • Work 1/4  a cup of sugar mixture at a time. Add the mixture into a heavy bottomed pot & keep stirring continuously on very low flame until the sugar muxture gets frothy & turns white in color.
  • Arrange about 5 molds at a time & pour the mixture into the molds. Tap the molds as you pour the mixture. Leave it undisturbed for about  5 mins.
  •  Gently remove the sugar candy from the mould & if the candy does not de mould easily, gently poke the edges with a safety pin
  • Once done, soak the molds again & pat them dry & use them again
  • Repeat this process for the rest of the sugar mixture
  • Store them in air tight jars

Sankranthi Collage

Ellu Bella in little Earthen Pots

  • It is said that, the older the molds are, better are the results .. So if you are making these for the first time, borrow from your granny or an aunt
  • Once the sugar syrup crystallizes after it is poured into the molds, do not leave them for more than 5 mins. They harden very fast, making them very difficult to unmould
  • You can add food color to make colored candies, but I love White ..
  • If you are looking out to buy Sakkare Achchu molds, you must be able to get it almost anywhere in Karnataka, especially around the Sankranti season
  • If you live in Bangalore, you should be able to find these easily in Malleshwaram, Jayanagar Market or Gandhi Bazaar circle. My Grandmother told me that you get excellent molds in Tamil Nadu as well

Ellu Bella Sakkare Achchu 2012

Wishing you all a Very Happy Sankranti/Pongal

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